GM Oculariste
Specialized ocular prosthetics clinic in Lyon
For over 20 years, Gilberto Martins has specialized in the fitting of ocular prostheses. Because every patient has a specific need, all our prostheses are custom-made in our laboratory.
Based in Lyon, we also operate throughout France, including Saint-Étienne, Roanne, Dijon, Besançon, Grenoble, Valence, Annecy, Chambéry, Paris…
Ocular prosthesis :
When ?
Following an illness or an accident, certain serious traumas can have irreparable consequences:
Today, significant advances in ophthalmic surgery mean that eye trauma can be better managed. Ocular prostheses are an ideal aesthetic solution to help patients cope with this trauma.
Ocular prosthesis :
Ocular prosthesis can be a life-changing experience for people who have lost an eye due to medical conditions or accidents. It not only provides a realistic aesthetic appearance, but also helps to restore symmetry to the eyes.
With advice, support and personalized prostheses, we strive to make a positive impact on our patients’ lives. We can help you to :
The prosthesis metamorphoses the look and restores confidence that had long been lost.
Retinoblastoma is a cancer of the retina that affects babies and children under the age of 5. If your surgeon has decided to remove your eye, it is because the tumor is too large. About four weeks after enucleation, if the surgeon agrees, the ocularist will come in. He or she will make a temporary, custom-made prosthetic eye to replace the eye that has been removed. The prosthetic work is done gently and with respect for the child, so as not to traumatize them further. The tests and impressions are simple and painless. They do not require anesthesia or hospitalization.
Anophthalmos is the extreme form of Microphthalmia and is a very rare malformation. It is characterised by the absence of one or both eyes at birth. As with Microphthalmia, rapid treatment by your ocularist should be considered. Extensive expansion work will be carried out to prepare the orbital cavity(ies) for a custom-made ocular prosthesis.
Is your child suffering from retinoblastoma? Join the community supporting Rétinostop, the French association against retinoblastoma. Discover Rétinostop. Rétinostop has also developed a playful approach to help children with retinoblastoma. Discover TINO the cat, symbol of the fight against the impossible.